Friday, March 1, 2013

My Afternoon at the Police Department

My best friend called me today around 3 pm, but I couldn’t answer the phone because I was in booking at the local police department getting fingerprinted. :O lol No, I wasn’t being arrested.

Actually I got a new temp job, which I am very excited about! Working for a company that does retirement planning. And I guess because we have access to sensitve files, they have all their employees get fingerprinted.

 In any case, it was a really neat experience, getting fingerprinted. Had to go into the detention area, past the holding cells, etc.

 Anyway, it's all done and I am enjoying my new job. I am not sure how long it is supposed to last; they say 2-3 weeks. I hope they like me, and that it turns out to be something permanent. I really like it there! But if it is only going to last for 2-3 weeks, I will be thankful for what I have! I'm very grateful and excited! Thank God for a job, even a temporary one!

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